A database driver provides interfaces for data retrieval from existing databases. With a database driver, an application can perform database operations to either query or update a database. In a Java application, to connect with individual databases, JDBC
(Java Database Connectivity) requires drivers for each distinct database type.
If you want to know what a database driver does, read What is a Database Driver?
For instance, if a Java application needs a connection to data source from a MySQL database, we must include the library MySQL JDBC Driver
which is a Jar file, namely mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar
. The version number in the Jar file may vary. The name of the driver is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
If we develop a Java application project in the NetBeans IDE, the MySQL JDBC Driver can be imported by right-click the node Libraries
in the Projects
tab window.
The following part will show you how to access, query and update a database by using the interface DriverManager
. (An alternative to the DriverManager
facility is the interface DataSource
Before starting this tutorial, you should already have a database counselor
set up. If you haven’t do so, follow Creating a New MySQL Database in NetBeans IDE to create the database and populate it as well.
1. Loading a JDBC driver by Class.forName
Before making a database connection, load the driver by calling Class::forName
. Class::forName
returns the Class object associated with the class or interface with the given string name.
We need to import the library java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.Connection;
To load the MySQL JDBC driver, firstly, specify the driver name in a string:
1String driverName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
Then call Class::forName
with the driver name:
Be aware that Class::forName
may produce an exception if the loading of the driver has failed. The exception type is ClassNotFoundException
To handle the exception, we can surround the Class.forName
statement with a try-catch
statement. The following snippet shows one way of handling the exception. Whenever the exception occurs, display a message in a Java Swing
dialog box.
1try {
2 Class.forName(driverName);
3} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
4 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Could not load the driver", null, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
2. Establishing a Database Connection by DriverManager::getConnection
After successfully loading the driver, we can call DriverManager::getConnection to establish a connection to the given database URL. Its method signature is displayed below.
1public static Connection getConnection(String url,
2 String user,
3 String password)
4 throws SQLException
can have up to three parameters as listed in the following:
url: a database url of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname. To access a MySQL database with the name
from the localhost with the default port number, the url isjdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/counselor
user: the account name of the database user on whose behalf the connection is being made
password: the associated password
returns a connection to the specified URL. Connection
is a public interface. A Connection instance stores a connection (session) with a specific database.
If a database access error occurs or the argument url
is null, DriverManager::getConnection
throws a SQLException
The following statement will attempt to make a connection to the URL jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/counselor
with the username ‘u’ and the password ‘p’ and store the connection in a Connection object myconnection
1Connection myconnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/counselor", "u", "p");
3. Preparing a SQL Statement by Connection::prepareStatement
After a database connection has been successfully established and a valid Connection object is alive, the application can retrieve data from the connected database by sending SQL statements to the database.
In a JDBC driver, a SQL statement needs to be prepared by calling the interface Connection::prepareStatement.
The method takes an SQL statement in a String and returns a new PreparedStatement object for sending parameterized SQL statements to the database. If a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed connection, an exception of type SQLException will be thrown. The method signature is shown below.
1PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException
To prepare a query for all the counselors from the counselor table, with the current Connection object myconnection
, the following statements will prepare such a query in a PreparedStatement object query
1PreparedStatement query = null;
2query = myconnection.prepareStatement("select * from counselor");
The parameter sql can also contain one or more ? for placeholders that can be substituted with user choices. The PreparedStatement object provides interfaces to make substitutions of various data types.
For instance, the user can look up a counselor for a specific nickname, however, it is unknown until the user enters the name each time. In this case, we can place a ? in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement, later replace it with the user choice by using PreparedStatement::setString.
1PreparedStatement query = null;
2query = myconnection.prepareStatement("select * from counselor where nick_name=?");
3// statements to get the user choice
4String name = "The Snake";
5query.setString(1, name); // Set the first ? to 'The Snake'
4. Executing a Prepared SQL Statement
Now it is ready for executing the prepared SQL SELECT statement in a PreparedStatement
4.1 Run Queries
Given a PreparedStatement
object in query
, PreparedStatement::executeQuery will run a SQL SELECT statement and return the resulting table in a ResultSet
1ResultSet rs = query.executeQuery();
4.2 Run Updates
For SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements, such as INSERT
; or an SQL statement that returns nothing such as Create Table, Alter Table, Delete Table, the method PreparedStatement::executeUpdate will execute a DML statement and returns an integer, which is either the row count that have been updated by the statement or zero if the SQL statement returns nothing.
1PreparedStatement update = null;
2update = myconnection.prepareStatement("update counselor set nick_name=\'Snake\' where nick_name like \'%Snake%\'");
3int result = update.executeUpdate();
5. Parsing a ResultSet Object
A ResultSet
object stores a resulting table after executing a SQL query. The set is so complex that special interfaces are needed for reading each row out of the set. There are several ways of extracting rows from a ResultSet object.
Assume that rs
is a ResultSet
object that has been generated after running a SQL query. The following snippet shows a way of iterating every row in a ResultSet object by using the ResultSet
interface and group them into a string result
for a display in a JOptionPane dialog box.
1String result = "";
2try {
3 int ncol = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); // get table column count
4 for (int i = 1; i <= ncol; i++) { // iterate from 1 to column count
5 result += rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i) + " "; // read each table column name
6 }
8 result += "\n";// append a new line to the result string
10 while (rs.next()) { // when there is a row next, do the loop
11 for (int i = 1; i <= ncol; i++) {
12 String currCol = rs.getString(i) + " "; // read the cell at position i and append a space to it.
13 result += currCol; // append the cell to the result string
14 }
15 result += "\n"; // create a new line
16 }
18 rs.last();// move the cursor to the last row.
19 int nrow = rs.getRow(); // get row count
20 result += "The total number of rows is " + nrow + "\n"; // write row size into result
22 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, result, null, 0); // display the result in a message box
24} catch (SQLException ex) {
25 Logger.getLogger(Accessor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
The dialog box for the parsed result should be similar to the following picture:
6. Closing the Connection
Once completing the operations with the database, close the connection by Connection::close.
1if (myconnection != null && !myconnection.isClosed()) {
2 myconnection.close();
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